

All the information on our website has been carefully checked and its contents are continually being expanded and updated. Nonetheless, although we carefully check the content, we cannot guarantee that it is complete, correct or fully up to date.

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The royalty-free use, copying or distribution of this documentation is hereby granted only for non-commercial purposes, provided the copyright notice set out here appears in all copies and both the copyright and this notice of permission appear in supporting documents. Use of the name OrPha Swiss for advertising in connection with the distribution of this documentation requires the specific written permission of OrPha Swiss. All information, documents, and images on this page are the property of OrPha Swiss and may only be used on this page. Use without prior consent is prohibited.

Health Information

This website may contain medical and health-related information. This information cannot, however, be considered to be a substitute for the advice of a doctor, pharmacist or other health professional, and should not be used for self-diagnosis or the diagnosis by other persons. Scientific data and information regarding the development of products or therapies correspond to the situation when they were first published and are therefore subject to changes of any kind.


We make every effort to provide you with accurate and up-to-date information. However, OrPha Swiss GmbH accepts no responsibility for damages associated with this information or changes to it. For this reason, we give neither expressly nor implicitly, any warranty or guarantee and provide no assurance in respect of the correctness or completeness of the information provided or referred to. Any use of our website or of any other pages linked to it by means of links (“hyperlinks”) or their content is at the user's own risk.

To the extent permitted by law, neither OrPha Swiss GmbH nor its subsidiaries, nor any other party concerned with the manufacture, provision, design or maintenance of the entire website offering or individual parts thereof is in any way liable for any immediate or consequential damages, culpable damages or damages regardless of culpability which might arise from access to the website offering, its use or in particular the inability to use the website offering of OrPha Swiss GmbH or the information provided in connection with it. OrPha Swiss GmbH is not responsible for the availability of websites of third parties or their content. Any use of hyperlinks to these websites is at the user’s own risk and implies no liability on the part of OrPha Swiss GmbH.

Before the use or application of our products, note should be taken of the instructions for use included with the products. Rights may only be inferred from the instructions included with the products, and not from use of the product information on this website.